Tuesday 23 June 2009

Gary Richardson is a talentless tit

In terms of sports interviewing techniques the BBC's Gary Richardson is the most inane cunt I have ever had the displeasure to listen to. Think of Garth Crookes at his worst then double it. I have witnessed some of his interviews before and the questions lack any kind of angle or insight. The kind of things that a 3 year old might ask.

Just saw him interview Andy Murray with the classic what have you been doing this morning?

Andy Murray replied with some of the following. Take your pick as to which.

"Got up"

"Had a shower"

"Had a wank in the shower thinking about the Williams sisters"

"Had a wank in the shower thinking about Rafael Nadal and a pumice stone"

"Had some cereal"

"Talked to you you smarmy little cunt"

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