Monday, 9 February 2009

Don't have nightmares

Whilst farting about with numbers with Total Recall in the background an ad just came on that has totally freaked me out. I can't find a link to it and I'm not sure I even want to.

You'll have seen a previous ad for the Think 30 campaign about slowing down your driving speed. The one with the little girl that goes back in time. As a dad it gives me the shivers every time I see it and the message really hits home. The latest ad is even more memorable but in a very different way. It features the contorted body of a young boy that's been knocked down and appears in the memory of the driver who hit him all the time. He's under the computer desk then he's at the door of the bedroom. I get the message about speeding but the ad is so damn scary it's difficult to watch more than 2 seconds of it. Pasty faced kids are a staple of horror films and that's what this ad is.

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