Thursday, 1 November 2007

Egyptian cotton you say. Marvellous!

Every year at Halloween we are "treated" to another instalment in the Saw movie series. We're onto number 4 now. Films like this and Hostel, Captivity, Hills Have Eyes and so on are what is commonly known as the torture porn genre. Personally I can't watch this stuff and I can't quite understand those who do. I'm not sure how watching people be strung up, having their ribcages ripped open, eyes gouged, achilles slit and so on can be entertaining. It worries me.

Having said that I did watch the first series of Dexter on FX and it was pretty damn good. Dexter is a serial killer who also happens to work in forensics for the Miami PD. Now, as I say Dexter is a serial killer and he's pretty clinical in doing it but, hey, he only offs the people that deserve it so it's vigilante justice and that makes us feel better. Somehow despite the things he does we do root for him, he is a likeable guy in many other respects, but I suppose it's because there are other killers in the show that are more reprehensible than him that we end up taking Dexter's side. I'm not totally comfortable with liking Dexter but the writers have done a fine job of keeping him on the audience's good side.

Series 2 has just kicked off in the US. If Series 1 crops up on UK schedules again be sure to check it out.

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